Udawalawa National Park is located in the southern part of Sri Lanka, approximately 165 kilometers southeast of Colombo.


Udawalawa National Park, nestled in southern Sri Lanka, spans over 30,000 hectares of lush wilderness. Renowned for its thriving biodiversity, the park shelters a rich array of wildlife. Among its most iconic inhabitants are the majestic Asian elephants, which roam freely across the expansive grasslands and dense forests. Visitors can also glimpse elusive leopards, graceful spotted deer, formidable sloth bears, and other fascinating creatures as they explore the park’s diverse ecosystems. With its scenic landscapes, captivating wildlife, and commitment to conservation, Udawalawe offers an immersive safari experience that leaves a lasting impression on all who venture into its pristine wilderness.

This National Park experiences a tropical climate with hot and humid conditions throughout the year, featuring a distinct wet season from May to September and a drier period from October to April.

udawalawa national park
udawalawa national park elephants
udawalawa national park elephants


Udawalawa Park is renowned for its thriving elephant population. Visitors can witness herds of Asian elephants roaming freely across the grasslands and beside water sources. These majestic creatures, often seen in family groups, provide unforgettable encounters in their natural habitat.

wildlife mammls
wildlife mammls

Other Mammals

Udawalawa National Park, water bodies teem with diverse aquatic life. Mugger crocodiles bask along riverbanks, while water buffalo and deer graze nearby. Bird species such as painted storks and kingfishers thrive in the park’s aquatic ecosystems, adding to its rich biodiversity. It offers to see these species in their natural habitat.

birds of park
birds of park


In udawalawa Park boasts a vibrant avian population. Painted storks, crested serpent eagles, and colorful kingfishers are among the 200 species recorded. Birdwatchers delight in spotting peafowl, junglefowl, and numerous other feathered inhabitants thriving in the park’s diverse habitats.

udawalawa national park leopards
udawalawa national park leopards


Leopards, though elusive, inhabit Udawalawe National Park. Patience and luck may reward visitors with sightings of these beautiful big cats. Their presence adds an air of mystery and excitement to the park’s diverse wildlife.